
Final Debriefifing Meeting on the 2019 Typhoon Hagibis

The 2019 Typhoon Hagibis (Typhoon No. 19) caused extensive infrastructure damage, with 59 people killed in Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima Prefectures. IRIDeS and the Tohoku branches of the Japan Organization of Civil Engineers, the Japanese Geotechnical Society, and the Japan Landslide Society have been working together in order to examine the actual damages caused by the typhoon. On November 20, 2020, the final debriefing meeting on the typhoon disaster was held online. During the meeting,...


Accurate Dating of Paleotsunamis in Eastern Hokkaido Through High-Precision Sediment Analysis

  Assist. Professor Takashi Ishizawa Disaster Science Division   ▷Introduction  The Japanese archipelago has been hit by subduction-zone earthquakes and the tsunamis caused by them many times; these earthquakes and tsunamis had a certain degree of periodicity. The actual mechanism of a subduction-zone earthquake is complex, and thus the interval between earthquakes and tsunamis is calculated only as a rough estimation. However, it is extremely important to learn from...


Revealing Attitudes of Countries Towards Disaster Risk Reduction Through Analysis of Offifficial Statements of the 2018 Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction

  Assist. Professor Daisuke Sasaki Disaster Information Management and Public Collaboration Division   ▷Introduction  It has been 75 years since the birth of the United Nations (UN) and their aim at promoting world peace and cooperation. The UN convenes its annual General Assembly at its headquarters in New York. In addition, it holds separate meetings as needed in order to resolve specific global issues. The UN reconciles the interests of each country at these ...


What it means by “Ganbare (Do your best)”

Head, Public Relations Office Kiyoshi Ito Deputy Director and Professor of IRIDeS At last, the Olympic year 2020 has arrived. Japan will once again be filled with voices cheering and shouting “Ganbare, do your best!” in continuance of the emotional wave of last year’s Rugby World Cup held in Japan.    Frankly, I am not much of a fan of that expression. Long ago, I was preparing for university entrance exams for another year after gra...


Interdisciplinary Project Launched to Better Cope with Special Information on the Nankai Trough Earthquake for Disaster Risk Reduction in Society

Introduction In January 2019, a project was launched at IRIDeS, tiled “Development of a supporting package for effective countermeasure planning against the rinji jōhō (special information)1) on the Nankai Trough earthquake.” The aim of this project is to contribute to the disaster risk reduction of the society by helping key players such as municipalities and enterprises so that society as a whole can act wisely. Supported by Secom Science and Technology Foundation, an interdisciplinary group...