
New Start of IRIDeS: Message by Director and Professor Fumihiko Imamura (vol.1)

4.1号今村先生The new Japanese academic year has just started this April 1, five years after the Great East Japan Earthquake. The designated period for intensive reconstruction is now over, and there is less social attention and support for the disaster areas. In this situation, however, we would like to initiate new projects with unconventional ideas, taking advantage of the multidisciplinary and practical features of IRIDeS.



IRIDeS starts an “Area-Unit system” from this academic year, so that we can promote inter-disciplinary and regional efforts. This academic year will become an important kickoff to shape the future directions of IRIDeS in this new period after the disaster.



Also, we are making our space more open, so that IRIDeS can collaborate with stakeholders and citizens more easily. The second IRIDeS tour will be held in this May with an upgraded exhibition space. Please feel free to contact us.




[From IRIDeS Public Relations Office]


We opened IRIDeS NEWs, a new public web space run by the IRIDeS Public Relations Office. For further information or questions, please contact:

+81-22-752-2049 or koho-office*

(Please replace * with @)