
Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Discovery and Understanding of a Fault Being Re-activated with and Extreme Short Interval of Six Years

Discovery of an exception to rare movements of active faults

Disaster Science Division Associate Professor Yo Fukushima

Active faults are faults that have experienced repeated ruptures in the past and are likely to cause earthquakes in the future. The cause of intraplate earthquakes shallow in the Earth’s crust is an abrupt rupture of such active faults. The number of active faults identified on the islands of Japan is approximately 2,000. Naturally, large intraplate earthquakes occur once per a few years somewhere in Japan. The frequency of earthquake occurrence along a single active fault, however, is rare – once per a thousand to a few tens of thousands of years on average 1), reflecting the slow strain accumulation in the crust. 


A new study led by Dr. Yo Fukushima, Associate Professor of IRIDeS, discovered that an active fault in northern Ibaraki Prefecture, approximately 130 km north of Tokyo, had ruptured twice on March 19, 2011 and December 28, 2016, with a time interval of only five years and nine months. The research team proposes that the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake is the cause of these movements. Discovery of this exception to the widely accepted conventional wisdom of infrequent ruptures of active faults leads to updating the way we see earthquake generation on active faults and changing the way we assess future earthquake occurrence.

Evidence and cause of reactivation of an identical fault within six years

[Figure 1] The region in northern Ibaraki Prefecture (shown by the red square)
where the two earthquakes occurred. Orange: The main segment of the plate interface that slipped during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Black dots: Epicenters of earthquakes of depths less than 30 km that occurred between March 11, 2011, and December 31, 2011.

Fukushima’s expertise has been on the satellite geodesy. There are a number of earth-observation satellites flying around the Earth that are equipped with a specific type of radar called synthetic aperture radar (SAR). A SAR antenna on a satellite emits and receives microwaves to know about the change over the ground surface. More specifically, by detecting the difference in the return time of the microwave signals at two different timings, we can measure the amount of ground displacements that occurred during the acquisition interval on a wide area in the looking direction of the satellite radar.   Just after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, Fukushima processed the data of Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) operated by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to map the ground deformation on northeastern Honshu Island, which included the area of the magnitude 6.1, March 19, 2011 earthquake. When the magnitude 6.3 earthquake on December 28, 2016 struck, Fukushima analyzed the data of ALOS-2, successor of ALOS, caused by the event upon request from another researcher. He did not, however, intend to look further in detail about this event at first. Approximately 5,000 earthquakes on a yearly average are recorded by the Japanese seismological network, and many of them fall into the same region2). The northern Ibaraki area in particular had experienced a swarm of earthquakes after the 2011 megaquake, including a few earthquakes larger than magnitude six. “The magnitude 6.3 event was one of them”, Fukushima states.   Fukushima was much more intrigued by the earthquake when he heard from his room-mate colleague Professor Shinji Toda that surface ruptures had been observed at the same location as the ones caused by the March 19, 2011 earthquake, and that an identical fault may have been reactivated. Could that really happen? Shouldn’t faults be tranquil once they rupture? Maybe the surface ruptures were caused by some superficial process or landslides triggered by the earthquake? Fukushima, who had already computed the deformation caused by the two earthquakes, decided to investigate into further detail [Figure 1].

A deformation map obtained by processing a pair of SAR images may contain signals from other geophysical processes (such as another earthquake) and noise. Fukushima applied necessary corrections, cropped the same area, and compared the cleaned deformation maps of the 2011 and 2016 earthquakes. Surprisingly, the surface ruptures (abrupt color discontinuities in the deformation maps) were placed exactly at the same locations for the two earthquakes [Figure 2]. Furthermore, the fault slip distributions estimated for the two earthquakes from the deformation maps indicated that the fault slipped in the same direction and the majority of the slipped area overlapped for the two earthquakes [Figure 3].

[Figure 2] Crustal deformation maps associated with the March 19, 2011, and December 28, 2016 earthquakes, obtained from satellite radar data analysis. Black lines indicate surface rupture of the active fault. One color cycle change corresponds to about 12 cm of displacement in the looking direction of the satellite radar.

[Figure 3] Fault slip distributions estimated for the March 19, 2011, and December 28, 2016 earthquakes.

In addition to these analyses, Fukushima’s colleagues went to the site and investigated the features of displacements and fractures on the ground and human-made structures such as parapets of a bridge, something that cannot be known from satellite data. This survey additionally confirmed the repeating nature of the fault rupture. The double-check, from the sky and from on-site investigation, led the research team to conclude that the same fault was reactivated twice with the short time interval.   Now that the extremely rare phenomenon was confirmed, Fukushima asked himself why this could happen. To look for a clue, he analyzed the GNSS data that recorded displacement time-series in the northern Ibaraki region and surroundings 3). If the region is very much deformed, it means that the amount of strain accumulation around the fault is large, and this could explain the early earthquake recurrence. The result of the deformation analysis was remarkable – the map clearly indicated a large strain localized around the fault [Figure 4]. Intraplate earthquakes in Japan commonly exhibit only subtle strain after their occurrence, but the level of strain after the March 19, 2011 earthquake was as large as that of the earthquake itself, which had never been observed for Japanese intraplate earthquakes. This period of rapid strain build-up coincides with the period where a wide-scale deformation has been taking place after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Fukushima and his colleagues inferred that the large-scale post-earthquake movement of the 2011 megaquake induced local deformation around the active fault, stressing the fault with a rate much faster than usual, and eventually caused the fault to re-rupture. The results were published in the journal Nature Geoscience 4) last year.

[Figure 4] Figure on the left shows the displacements in blue arrows that occurred between March 20, 2011 (one day after the fist earthquake) and December 27, 2016 (one day before the second earthquake). Figure on the right shows the strain map calculated from the displacement data. Areas with a darker blue color indicate larger amounts of strain. The red line shows the location of the active fault.

Future Prospects

Fukushima states that there remain a number of mysteries about the mechanism of earthquake generation on active faults. The Earth is extremely complex, and it is impossible to conduct realistic experiments to reproduce and validate the behavior of active faults. To know about past activities on active faults, trench surveys have been effectively used.   By combining identification of strata offsets and dating, we can calculate the approximate intervals of fault ruptures. Researchers have widely adopted a model that assumes regular repeating of earthquakes based partially on the outcomes of trench surveys. “But our study made clear that this model is not applicable when a large external force is applied to the fault system,” said Fukushima.   Has this kind of phenomenon occurred in the Earth before and in other places? Fukushima thinks yes. "But it is difficult to know that from trench surveys. We cannot distinguish two successive ruptures occurring with a short time interval.” The trace of multiple ruptures is recorded in the strata when the events are temporally separated long enough for a new layer of strata to form in between.   The satellite geodesy can be a game changer. Since the early 1990s satellite SAR data have been widely provided to the research community, and analysis techniques have been rapidly developed. This rising trend is still continuing with the advent of new satellite missions. Based on such advancements, research on the mechanism of active faulting using satellite geodesy has been expanding. “The earth observation satellites cover most of the Earth’s land surface, and the data are continuously archived. Large earthquakes occur not only in Japan but also in other countries, and we can study them with the SAR data.” Finding other cases of extremely rapid fault reactivation using satellite geodesy may lead to development of a new earthquake occurrence model.   The research deciphered a mystery of a complex behavior of the Earth by conducting a series of careful analysis of high-quality data and logical build-ups in multiple disciplines. However, the inside story indicates that the process toward a discovery is not always elaborate or sophisticated. Human factors such as encountering clues by chance or relying on instinct took an important role for Fukushima’s case, and this is perhaps ordinary for scientists.

1) Source: Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (in Japanese)
2) Calculated from the earthquake catalogue of the Japan Meteorological Agency, for a period of 2001-2010. (in Japanese)
3) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Earth Observation Network System (GEONET) operated by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan.
4) Yo Fukushima, Shinji Toda, Satoshi Miura, Daisuke Ishimura, Jun’ichi Fukuda, Tomotsugu Demachi, and Kenji Tachibana, “Extremely early recurrence of intraplate fault rupture following the Tohoku-oki earthquake,” Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/s41561-018-0201-x.


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