
Director’s Greeting


Fumihiko Imamura, Director International Research Institute of

Disaster Science (IRIDeS),

Tohoku University

  March 11, 2021 marked the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Now, it is important to review the progress of the last decade and to promote recovery further, while at the same time enhancing preparations for future disasters. Last year marked the 25th anniversary of the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. As there is a growing generation who did not experience the disaster, issues such as its fading memories and passing on its lessons are becoming more pertinent. Therefore, we are determined to pass on the experiences of the 2011 disaster, but will face similar challenges as the 1995 earthquake. IRIDeS has a mission to learn lessons from the 2011 disaster and to convey them to those who did not experience it. The role that IRIDeS should play will thus become even more important in the future.


  COVID-19 has affected both Japan and the international community. Tohoku University, including IRIDeS, has been making the utmost efforts to stop its spread. IRIDeS researchers of the Disaster Medical Science Division have been contributing to fight infectious diseases both on and off campus. In addition, IRIDeS researchers started diverse new studies on infectious diseases. Contagious diseases have many similarities with disaster caused by natural hazards; for example, both of them can be considered with phases of preventive measures—emergency response in the event of an outbreak—and subsequent recovery and reconstruction. We will continue to contribute to the research on infectious diseases, building on our existing knowledge of disaster science. With you, we will keep working to construct a safer society.

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