
Regular Events in Japanese

IRIDeS holds public events to share our research findings and promote communication with various stakeholders. The following are events that are regularly held (in Japanese). Click here for events held in English.

1. IRIDeS Great East Japan Earthquake Commemorative Symposium, held near March 11th

Immediately after the Great East Japan Earthquake, IRIDeS started holding debriefing sessions to share our findings with the public and various stakeholders. As a successor of the debriefing sessions, IRIDeS has held a public commemorative symposium around March 11th every year dealing with topics related to the Great East Japan Earthquake and disaster science, annually March 2013 to March 2021.

2. IRIDeS Friday Forum

Starting in 2012, this is a forum usually held on a Friday evening to share IRIDeS research outcomes with people inside and outside the institute. There are a variety of presentation topics, including international and interdisciplinary studies, reports on disaster areas, and major research projects.

3. Katahira Masturi

Karahira Matsuri (Katahira Festival) is a science communication event for the public that is held every two years by 10 research institutes of Tohoku University—Including IRIDeS. This event provides a fun opportunity to visit different research institutes and to become familiar with research activities. Families and children are welcome to join.