I explore how to share the knowledge of disaster science with the public effectively. With this academic interest, I have joined a project to pass on disaster memories and knowledge through collaboration between the academic community and the media, funded by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST).
I am also a member of the IRIDeS research project "Development of a supporting package for effective countermeasure planning against the special information on the Nankai Trough earthquake." In the project I am pursuing how to convey uncertain disaster forecast information with multi-stakeholders, especially with the public.
Chubachi, N., Fukushima, Y., and Kuri, M. "Fukugan gakusyuu apuroochi wo mochiita Sendai shi ni okeru waakushoppu no kokoromi", Journal of Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science 39-1, pp. 18-22, 2020. (in Japanese)
Chubachi, N., Ono, Y., Ito, K. and Imamura, F. “Overview of the World Bosai Forum Public Cultural Event,” Journal of Disaster Research 13-7, pp. 1234-1246, 2018, doi:10.20965/jdr.2018.p1234.
Chubachi, N., Chikata, M., Ito, K. and Imamura, F., “Collaborative, science-based, public disaster communication,” Journal of Disaster Research 11-3, pp. 413-420, 2016, doi: 10.20965/jdr.2016.p0413.
Chubachi, N. "Hawaii Nikkeijin shakai no tokucho," Gaimusho Chosa Geppo, 2007 nendo No.4, pp.29-49, 2008. (in Japanese)
Chubachi, N. "Travel behavior of the urban elderly in Kyoto, Japan," Japanese Journal of Human Geography 50-2, pp. 68-83, 1998. doi: https://doi.org/10.4200/jjhg1948.50.172.
Having studied in Japan, Canada and the U.S., I earned my Ph.D. in social science, focusing on human migration and behavior. I worked in Hawaii and also lived in Germany, Switzerland and Thailand. I was a homemaker raising children from 2009 to 2013, which became a precious opportunity to see the academic community from outside. Having lived in multiple places both in and oustide the academic world, I realized that there are such diverse ways of thinking, and that science can be a common base, providing possibilities for mutual understandings. Now in the area of disaster risk reducition, I would like to keep pursuing effective science communication.