
Risk Evaluation and Disaster Mitigation Research Division
Disaster Geo-informatics Lab
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Engineering)
International Research Collaboration Office, Co-creation Center for Disaster Resilience (Concurrent)

Concurrent: Graduate School of Engineering
Research Subject(s)
My research is focused on the applications of multi-agent systems and agent-based modeling in disaster science. I am also working on tsunami simulation, evacuation simulation, remote sensing for damage estimation and UAVs applied on field surveys.
Key Words
Multiagent / Agent-based / Numerical Simulation / tsunami / UAV
Research Activities

"Tsunami Evacuation Guidance with Reinforcement Learning algorithms" - In a future that integrates cyberspace and physical space (Society 5.0), intelligent road networks can provide the necessary information to evacuees and organize an effective evacuation, either on foot or via autonomous vehicles. The optimization of the evacuation process dynamically responding to real-time tsunami hazard is the main objective of this research.

'Agent Based modelingg applications to medical disaster research' - (1) Simulation of medical team response for patient transportation and DMAT effective dispatch. (2) Evacuation shelter layout study to minimize possible transmissions of infectious disease indoors.

"Increasing Urban Resilience to Large Scale Disasters: The Development of a Dynamic Integrated Model for Disaster Management and Socio-Economic Analysis" - The purpose of this study is to build a simulation platform for effectively deploying large-scale disaster assessment, response plans and mitigation measures. The Japanese side, by using simulation and remote sensing techniques is in charge of performing a short-term damage assessment, while the Israel side, together with the simulation group from the Japanese side, develops the damage observation and agent simulation of detailed land use models integrated on GIS. Through the Japan and Israel efforts, an integrated disaster management tool is built on a spatial and temporal level of detail not present so far and that can be shared in both countries. In recent years it is rapidly expected to take advantage of social big data and effectively protect lives in the field of disaster through the use of the data.

Selected Works

Mas, E., Paulik, R., Pakoksung, K., Adriano, B., Moya, L., Suppasri, A., Muhari, A., Khomarudin, R., Yokoya, N., Matsuoka, M., Koshimura, S. (2020). Characteristics of Tsunami Fragility Functions Developed Using Different Sources of Damage Data from the 2018 Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 177(6), 2437–2455.

Mas, E., Felsenstein, D., Moya, L., Grinberger, A. Y., Das, R., Koshimura, S.
(2018) Dynamic Integrated Model for Disaster Management and
Socioeconomic Analysis (DIM2SEA). Journal of Disaster Research, 13(7),
1257-1271, doi:10.20965/jdr.2018.p1257

Mas, E., Koshimura, S., Imamura, F., Suppasri, A., Muhari, A., Adriano, B.
(2015) Recent Advances in Agent-Based Tsunami Evacuation Simulations:
Case Studies in Indonesia, Thailand, Japan and Peru. Journal of Pure and
Applied Geophysics, 172(12), 3409-3424, doi:10.1007/s00024-015-1105-y

Selected Memberships
  • Society of Civil Engineers(Japan-JSCE, Peru-CIP)
  • Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU)
  • American Geophysical Union (JpGU)
Selected Awards
  • > Construction Engineering Research Award, Society for the Promotion of Construction Engineering (2018.06)
  • > Poster Award in Academic Research Category, World Bosai Forum (2017.11)
  • > International Award Hazards 2000, Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science Award (co-author) (2013.10)

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