
Disaster Humanities and Social Science Division
Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage Lab
Visiting Professor

Research Subject(s)
I explore the post-disaster mental health and psychosocial support affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake qualitatively and qualitatively. I assesses how historians’ salvage operations on the historical heritage of affected areas can provide valid psycho-social support for affected communities and individuals, struggling to rebuild after the disaster.
Key Words
Clinical Psychology Psychosocial support Historical heritage
Research Activities

A Psychological Assessment of Heritage Rescue Operations as a Form of Psychosocial Support after a Disaster
This study assesses how historians’ salvage operations can provide valid psycho-social support for affected communities and individuals, struggling to rebuild after the disaster. 
Method: I conducted a series of semi-structured interviews with people owning collections of salvaged historical heritage. We interviewed 21 subjects. 20 of the subjects were over 60 years old. The interviews used Personal Attitude Construct (PAC) Analysis to analyze the subjects’ attitudes towards their historical heritage and self-identity.