
Disaster Humanities and Social Science Division
Regional Resilience Planning Lab
Dr. in Engineering
Co-creation Center for Disaster Resilience, Global Centre for Disaster Statistics (Concurrent)

Concurrent: Graduate School of Engineering,Center for Northeast Asian Studies
Research Subject(s)
Makoto Okumura is an expert on mathematical models for facility and transportation planning, and socio-economic analysis of regions before and after disasters. He has conducted research on evacuation decision-making, land-use model including flood risk cognition, seismic proof planning model for road network and medical centers.
Key Words
Socio-economic Analysis of Disaster / Evacuation Planning / Disaster Prevention Planning / Optimization
Research Activities

Tsunami evacuation rules are studied using an optimization model. From the calculations so far, if there are many vehicles in the flooded area, cars must avoid using the shortest roads to the inland area and left the capacity for the walking evacuee within walking distance of the evacuation site. Designation of one-way roads are also effective. If there are fewer vehicles than evacuees in the flooded area, it is necessary to send vehicles from the inland area to board the evacuees in the coastal area, and to leave a route for the car in that direction. 

Due to population decline and aging of buildings, facilities, presently designated as evacuation sites from disasters, may be abolished or buildings may be renewed, and as a result, it may be difficult to evacuate local residents. Therefore, when considering the renewal or abolition of elementary and junior high schools that have reached the end of their useful life, local governments should consider the function of evacuation shelters for residents in the event of a flood, in addition to the convenience of commuting to school during normal times. An optimization model is studied for facility update and abolition plan.

Selected Works

Okumura, M. and Ito, W. (2018) A Statistical Analysis of Japanese Inter-Prefectural Migration After Disasters, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.13 No.6, pp. 1072-1081, doi:10.20965/jdr.2018.p1072

Okumura M. and Kim J. (2018) Transportation in Disasters: Lessons Learned from GEJE 2011, in Junyi Zhang and Cheng-Min Feng (eds.) "Routledge Handbook of Transport in Asia", Routledge,  ISBN 978-1-13882-601-4, pp.202-245.(Chapter 8) ,doi:10.4324/9781315739618

Okumura M. and Yamaguchi H. (2018) Personal Purpose Inter-Regional Travels: An Integrator of Historical Inter-Regional Migrations, in Kakuya Matsushima and William Anderson (eds.) "Transportation, Knowledge and Space in Urban and Regional Economics", Edward Elgar Publishing,  ISBN 978-1-78536-605-5, pp.286-298.(Chapter 12), doi:10.4337/9781785366062

Okumura M. (2017) Adaptation Strategies for Risk and Uncertainty: The Role of an Interdisciplinary Approach Including Natural and Human Sciences, in Tetsuya Hiyama and Hiroki Takakura (eds.), "Global Warming and Human-Nature Dimension in Northern Eurasia", Springer Publishing, pp.197-206. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-4648-3

Selected Memberships
  • Japan Society of Civil Engeneers
  • City Planning Institute, Japan
  • Applied Regional Science Conference
  • Regional Science Association, International
Selected Awards
  • Paper Award of City Planning Institute of Japan, May, 2014.