
Practical Research and Collaboration Division
Disaster Education Research and Implementation Lab
Professor (Cross-Appointed)
Ph.D.(International Educational Development)

Concurrent: Kobe University
Research Subject(s)
Developing a model on sustainable DRR education models in the disaster affected areas affected
Conducting international comparative research on the promotion of comprehensive school safety in Asian countries
Key Words
School Disaster Safety / Disaster Risk Reduction Education / Education Recovery
Research Activities

Developing and imlpementing a locally-based  DRR education models in Ishinomaki City in Miyagi Prefecture  affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.
Conducting interdisciplinary research with researchers in earthquake engineering, geograph, and developing a online teacher training program  by utilizing topographic maps and hazard maps to understand local disaster risk by a school district. 

Conducting international comparative research on educational reconstruction processes and school-based DRR in disaster-affected areas in the Asian region (Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, Nepal, Vietnam, Myanmar, etc.) in terms of a comprehensive school safety.

Selected Works

Aiko Sakurai,Takeshi Sato, Yoshiyuki Murayama: Impact Evaluation of a School-Based Disaster Education Program in a City Affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 47, Special Edition on School Safety, 2020.

Aiko Sakurai, Mizan BF Bisri, Takashi Oda, Rina Suryani Oktari, Yoshiyuki Murayama, Nizammudin, Muzaillin Affan: Exploring Minimum Essentials for Sustainable School Disaster Preparedness: A Case of Elementary Schools in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia,International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 29, 2018, pp.73-83. DOI10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.08.005

Alfi Rahman, Aiko Sakurai, and Khairul Munadi: The analysis of the development of the Smong story on the 1907 and 2004 Indian Ocean tsunamis in strengthening the Simeulue island community's resilience, International Journal of DIsaster Risk Reduction 29, 2018, pp.13-23. DOI10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.07.015

Koichi Shiwaku, Aiko Sakurai, Rajib Shaw, eds.:Disaster resilience of education systems, experiences from Japan, Speinger, 2016, 241 pages.DOI:10.1007/978-4-431-55982-5.

Selected Memberships
  • Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science
  • The Japanese Association of Safety Education
  • Japan Society for Disaster Education
  • The Tohoku Geographical Association
  • Japan Comparative Education Society
Selected Awards
  • 2015 Excellent Implementation Research Award (JASE)