Donation to IRIDeS
When you give to the IRIDeS Support Fund, you are helping advance our activities in the research on disasters, disaster risk reduction and its social implementation. We deeply appreciate your support.
How to make a donation
For Individuals
You can donate by credit card, postal transfer or bank transfer. On the donation form, please specify the method and the purpose of your gift.
- Donation Form
In “Donate to,” select “Support the department.”
In “Designations,” select “IRIDeS Support Fund.”
For Corporations and Organizations
Please fill in the donation form and send to the Tohoku University Fund by email at
Give2Asia: For Individuals, Corporations, and Organizations who are U.S. or Hong Kong taxpayers
U.S. and Hong Kong taxpayers are eligible for tax benefits if you donate to the IRIDeS Support Fund through Give2Asia. You can donate by credit card, bank transfer, check, or stock. Please access the below site, click “Donate” and write “For the IRIDeS Support Fund” in “Private note.”
Public Relations Office, International Research Institute of Disaster Science
468-1 Aoba, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan 980-8572