To prevent “loss of life" and “endemic increase in illness” after devastating disasters, our lab commit to the contribution for improving affected residents’ health through utilizing public data and a long-term health surveys including genome and omics data.
1.Prevention Direct Death following disasters:
・Actual situation of direct deaths among vulnerable residents (e.g., people with disabilities)
・Promote behavioral change such as introducing “voluntary and immediate evacuation,” “furniture fixing,“ “earthquake-resistant housing" and "earthquake-resistant breakers through public health approaches.
2.Prevention Indirect Death following disasters:
・Excess mortality in dialysis patients and home ventilator users following disasters
・Through analysis the causes of death that are related to disaster health activities such as infection, pneumonia, cardiovascular disease, and suicide
3.Clarifying health impact on affected residents:
・Analysis cohort studies’ data established after the Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE): Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization (TMM)
Development of public relations to encourage children with atopic dermatitis and their guardians to decide whether to seek medical treatment
Longitudinal study on child health (e.g., allergies, neurodevelopment) in disaster-stricken areas by the GEJE
Impact of healthy lifestyle habits and COVID-19 vaccination on COVID-19 infection
4.Establishment evidences contributing to disaster health activities:
・Analyzing the predictable capability of suicide death after the GEJE using psychological distress scale (K6)