
  Name / Position Keywords
Subduction Earthquake Lab Solid earth geophysics, Huge interplate earthquake, Seafloor geodesy, Underwater acoustic positioning
Earthquake, tectonophysics, repeating earthquakes, subduction zone
Solid Earth Geophysics, Seafloor Geodesy, Inversion Analysis, Giant Subduction Earthquakes
Crustal deformation, Seafloor geodesy, Seismic cycle, Rheology, Fault kinematics
Inland Earthquake and Volcano Lab Active Fault, Inland Earthquake, Seismicity, Earthquake Probability
Solid-Earth Geophysics, Seismology, Physical Volcanology, Earth's Interior Structure
Postseismic deformation, Tohoku-Oki Earthquake, Rheology
Solid earth geophysics, Seismology
Crustal deformation, Geodesy, Earthquake, Volcano, Modeling
Solid Earth Physics, Physical Volcanology, Volcano Seismology, Geothermal Research
Geology, Quaternary Research, Geochronology
Geomorphology, Quaternary geoscience, Tephrochronology, Sedimentology, Fluvial hazards
Electromagnetic induction in the earth and planets, Geomagnetism, Tectonomagnetism, Geophysical prospecting (electromagnetic, electrical, and magnetic methods), Inverse problems
Strong Ground Motion, Seismic Hazard
Geological engineering, Natural disaster science, Terrain Image Diagnostics
Earthquake Engineering Lab Earthquake Engineering, Structural Optimization, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Seismic Protective Systems, Inerter
Strong Motion Observation, Strong Motion Prediction, Earthquake Early warning, Structural Health Monitoring, Vibration Damage
Earthquake Engineering, Control Engineering, Nonlinear Dynamics, Stability Analysis, Tribology
Building Foundation, Pile Foundation Building, Surface Geology, Snow Engineering, Wooden Building
Computational Safety Engineering Lab Numerical simulations, Multiscale analysis, Multiphysics analysis, Failure simulations, Material modeling
Sediment transport, Bar morphology, PIV, Image analysis for distribution of sediment diameter
Geotechnical engineering, Slope Disaster, Numeical simulation, risk analysis
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Coastal forests, Tsunami Hazard
Tsunami Engineering Lab Tsunami modeling, risk avaluation, plan for evacuation and reconstruction
Geology, Tsunami, Numerical modeling, Sediment transport
Tsunami Engineering, Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment, Tsunami Countermeasures, Cascading Disasters, World Tsunami Awareness Day
Earthquake Engineering,Urban Disaster Mitigation,Corporate Risk Management,Disaster Risk Modeling,Corporate Property Insurance
Tsunami, AI, simulation, supercomputer, smartphone app
BCP, BCM, Risk Management, Risk Finance, Standardization
Tsunami engineering, Tsunami evacuation
Disaster Geo-informatics Lab Numerical Modeling, Geo-informatics, Remote Sensing
Multiagent, Agent-based, Numerical Simulation, tsunami, UAV
Earth observation data analysis, Machine learning, Geoinformatics, Numerical modeling, Data fusion
Solid earth geophysics, GNSS, Tsunami early warning, Volcanic Activity Prediction
Earth and Planetary Sciences, Geophysics, Tsunami, Seismology
Oceanic, Atmospheric and Outer Space Disaster Lab Physical Oceanography, ocean genral circulation, ocean ventilation, climate change, Argo
Meteorology, Glaciology, hydrology, land-surface proceses, energy and water budget
Solar Plasma Physics,Space Weather,Planetary Magnetospheric Physics,Radio Observation
Magnetosphere, Sun, Space wather, Radiation belt
Physical Oceanography, Atmospheric Science, Climate Science, Numerical Calculation Method
Meteorology, Atmospheric Science, Numerical Simulation, Extreme Weather
Disaster Robotics Lab Resue Robotics, Disaster Robotics
  Name / Position Keywords
Disaster Culture and Archive Studies Tsunami modeling, risk avaluation, plan for evacuation and reconstruction
Disaster Archive, Earthquake Engineering
cultural and collective memory, community dynamics, negative heritage, disaster risk education
Cultural Resilience, Cultural Heritage and Resilience,
Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage Lab Architecture and urban design, disaster management, Post-disaster recovery process, urban vulnerability evaluation, Urban safety planning and design
History , Modern and Contemporary Japanese history , Regional history , Study of regional historical resources, Study od archivis
Clinical Psychology Psychosocial support Historical heritage
Cognitive Sciences Lab language comprehension, text comprehension, learning and memory, instructional design, education for disaster prevention
Cognitive neuroscience, Social Brain, Self, Communication, fMRI
Cognitive Science, Psychology, Educational Technology, Evaluation and Measurement, Psychometrics
International Strategy for Disaster Mitigation Lab Architecture and urban design, disaster management, Post-disaster recovery process, urban vulnerability evaluation, Urban safety planning and design
Disaster risk reduction, Humanitarian assistance, International cooperation, NGOs, Higher education
architectural design,industrial design,disaster relief,reconstruction plan
Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Engineering,Strategy for Urban Disaster Mitigation,Urban Disaster Management
Regional Resilience Planning Lab Socio-economic Analysis of Disaster, Evacuation Planning, Disaster Prevention Planning, Optimization
Recovery planning, Recovery policies, Recovery governance, Post-disaster community relocation, Spatial redevelopment
Evacuation Planning, Disaster Prevention Planning, Multi-agent simulation, GIS
Spatial Design Strategies Lab Reconstruction Planning, Urban and Regional Planning, Disaster Prevention
Architecture of infrastructure and environment, Street and town scape, environmental psychology
Area management, revitalization of the central city area, public-private partnership town development, reconstruction town development
International Environment and Disaster Management Research Lab Disaster risk reduction, Humanitarian assistance, International cooperation, NGOs, Higher education
Regional housing planning, Urban design, Regional design, Sustainable community design
  Name / Position Keywords
International Cooperation for Disaster Medicine Lab Disaster Medicine, Medical Needs after Disaster, Resilience of Health Care System. Simulation of Disaster Medical Needs and Response, Health Care Workforce
Disaster Medicine, hospital BCP, hospital support reciving, Disaster Medical Education
Cascading disaster, disaster medical, disaster resilience, disaster risk management, risk governance
Multi Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS) & Anticipatory Action (AA), Civil Protection and Humanitarian Relief, Disaster Management
Disaster Medical Informatics Lab BCP, healthcare, PHR, EHR, EMR
Radiological Disasters and Medical Science Lab Radiation safety and risk management, Evaluation/measurement of radiation doses and radiation effects in humans, Development of diagnostic-imaging systems for use in disasters, Optimization of radiation protection, Methods for reducing radiation
cancer stem cells, radiation sensitivity, hypoxia, nutrient starvation, pluripotent stem cells
Radiation effects, radiation disaster, radioactive microparticle, low dose/low dose rate radiation exposure
Radiological Technology, Disaster Medicine, Radiation Measurement, Radiation Protection
Fukushima, Radiation Pathology, Internal Exposure
Disaster Psychiatry Lab Psychiatry,Mental Health,Resilience,Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,Depression
disaster psychiatry,general psychiatry, mental health, biological psychiatry
Preventive Psychiatry, Disaster Psychiatry, Mental Health, Resilience, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Disaster Obstetrics and Gynecology Lab OB/GYN, Fetal Physiology, Artificial Placenta, Preterm Birth
Disaster Public Health Lab Public Health, Population Strategy, Float Pack, Health Survey, Mid- and Long-Term Health Effects
Disaster Public Health, Epidemiology, Suicide, Mental Health, Health Project Evaluation
Medical care children, Disabilities, Community welfare
Personal Health Records, Real World Data, Demand Forecasting, Resilience
Infectious Diseases Lab Outbreak,Biosafety,Drug Resistance,Drug Discovery,Antiviral Drug
outbreak, drug resistance, drug development, Antiviral drug, Antibacterial drug
Oral Health and Disaster Medicine Lab Community based integrated case system, socail capital, social prescribing
  Name / Position Keywords
Disaster Education Research and Implementation Lab School Safety, Disaster Education for Disaster Risk Reduction, Community Development for Disaster Resilience, Human Resources Development for DRR
School Disaster Safety, Disaster Risk Reduction Education, Education Recovery
Geography, maps, hazard maps, school disaster prevention, disaster prevention education
Geography, maps, hazard maps, school disaster prevention, disaster prevention education
Disaster Resilient Society Promotion Lab Business continuity management (BCM), disaster management of enterprises, disaster management plans, disaster management laws, disaster volunteers
Recovery from Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima, Area Management, City and Town Management
disaster tradition, disaster information, disaster culture, information management process, evacuation behavior
Evacuation Behavior, Quantitative Research, Interview Survey, Disaster Education, Disaster Learning
Communication Science for Disaster Risk Reduction Lab School Safety, Disaster Education for Disaster Risk Reduction, Community Development for Disaster Resilience, Human Resources Development for DRR
Crustal deformation, Geodesy, Earthquake, Volcano, Modeling
disaster tradition, disaster information, disaster culture, information management process, evacuation behavior
cultural and collective memory, community dynamics, negative heritage, disaster risk education
Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction Lab Public Health, Population Strategy, Float Pack, Health Survey, Mid- and Long-Term Health Effects
cultural and collective memory, community dynamics, negative heritage, disaster risk education
Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Lab International disaster risk reduction policy,Tornado disaster,Early warning system
Meteorology, Glaciology, hydrology, land-surface proceses, energy and water budget
Build Back Better, Pre-disaster Investment on DRR, DRR for Developing Countries, Disaster Risk Assessment, SFDRR
Hydrology, Socio-Hydrology, Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR), Water Resouces Enginnering, Agro-meteorology
Meteorology, Atmospheric Science, Numerical Simulation, Extreme Weather
Area Studies, International Relations, Disaster Risk Reduction, Environment, Risk Management
Geography, Social-ecological systems, Mesology and Landscape science, Regional studies, Regional planning
International relations, Environmental policies, Climate change, Human mobility, Area studies
International Research Collaboration Office Numerical simulations, Multiscale analysis, Multiphysics analysis, Failure simulations, Material modeling
International disaster risk reduction policy,Tornado disaster,Early warning system
Disaster risk reduction, Humanitarian assistance, International cooperation, NGOs, Higher education
Rituals of Life and Death,Religion.Memory,Human Diginity and Welfare,Environment
Housing reconstruction, housing policy, housing relocation and resettlment, reconstruction plans, town development, community development, human-centered housing reconstruction, disaster museums and memorialization
Tsunami Engineering, Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment, Tsunami Countermeasures, Cascading Disasters, World Tsunami Awareness Day
Multiagent, Agent-based, Numerical Simulation, tsunami, UAV
gender and disaster, ageing society, care, shelter
Emergency planning, disaster management, disaster risk reduction, recovery from disaster; earthquake injury epidemiology
2030 Global DRR Agenda Office International disaster risk reduction policy,Tornado disaster,Early warning system
Area Studies, International Relations, Disaster Risk Reduction, Environment, Risk Management
Geography, Social-ecological systems, Mesology and Landscape science, Regional studies, Regional planning
Build Back Better, Pre-disaster Investment on DRR, DRR for Developing Countries, Disaster Risk Assessment, SFDRR
Hydrology, Socio-Hydrology, Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR), Water Resouces Enginnering, Agro-meteorology
UNDRR, Sendai Framework for DRR, DRR National Strategy, DRR Local Strategy
Resilient EICT Research Promotion Office Electric Power, Information Communication, Network Convergence, Decentralized Cooperative Control, DC Microgrids
Resilient EICT, information communication system, network architecture, microwave photonics
Antennas, Electromagnetic wave, Radio wave, Radio propagation
Wireless communication system, wireless signal transmission, wireless signal processing, communication theory
Optical Communication Technology, Lasers and Quantum Electronics, Optical Fiber Measurement
Conductive polymer, Fiber electrode, health care, brain neuron, synapse
Energy system design and analysis, Carbon neutral, Renewable energy
Communication systems, Communication networks, Information and communication technology
Flexible Display, 3D Display, Human Interface, Soft Material, Liquid Crystal
Antenna, Electromagnetics, Electromagnetic theory, computational electromagnetics, source reconstruction
Liquid Crystal, Intelligent reflecting array for electrowave reflection, Photovoltaic, Tracking Photovoltaic, Optical wireless power transmission
entrepreneurship, SMEs, innovation, region
WPT, Wireless Power Transfer
autonomous distributed cooperation, disaster response, large-scale language model, AI navigation
Autonomous decentralized coordination, disaster response, Incident Command System, containerized multi-functional facilities
  Name / Position Keywords
Earthquake Induced Tsunami Risk Evaluation Lab (Tokio Marine and Nichido Fire Insurance) Tsunami modeling, risk avaluation, plan for evacuation and reconstruction
Tsunami Engineering, Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment, Tsunami Countermeasures, Cascading Disasters, World Tsunami Awareness Day
environmental DNA (eDNA), macroinvertebrate, Eco-DRR, biodiversity, environmental assessment
tsunami disaster education,disaster-preparedness education,awareness of disaster reduction, r
Earthquake Disaster Prevention for Urban Areas Lab (OYO Corporation) Active Fault, Inland Earthquake, Seismicity, Earthquake Probability
Active Fault, Estimation of damage, Earthquake linkage
Earth and Planetary Sciecnes, Active tectonics, Active fault, Subsurface geological structure
  Name / Position Keywords
AEON Disaster-Resilient and Environmentally-Friendly City Creation Joint Research Lab Tsunami modeling, risk avaluation, plan for evacuation and reconstruction
Business continuity management (BCM), disaster management of enterprises, disaster management plans, disaster management laws, disaster volunteers
disaster tradition, disaster information, disaster culture, information management process, evacuation behavior
Environmental Sociology, Social Systems Science
Evacuation Behavior, Quantitative Research, Interview Survey, Disaster Education, Disaster Learning
Nippon Koei Resilient City with Digital Twin Technologies Joint Research Lab Numerical simulations, Multiscale analysis, Multiphysics analysis, Failure simulations, Material modeling
Disaster Medicine, Medical Needs after Disaster, Resilience of Health Care System. Simulation of Disaster Medical Needs and Response, Health Care Workforce
Geotechnical engineering, Slope Disaster, Numeical simulation, risk analysis
Strong Motion Observation, Strong Motion Prediction, Earthquake Early warning, Structural Health Monitoring, Vibration Damage
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Coastal forests, Tsunami Hazard
Computational mechanics, Structural optimization, Fracture mechanics, Numerical simulation
Numerical Simulations, Tsunami Engineering, Coastal Engineering
  Name / Position Keywords
Co-creation Center for Disaster Resilience Disaster Medicine, Medical Needs after Disaster, Resilience of Health Care System. Simulation of Disaster Medical Needs and Response, Health Care Workforce
Numerical Modeling, Geo-informatics, Remote Sensing
Socio-economic Analysis of Disaster, Evacuation Planning, Disaster Prevention Planning, Optimization
International disaster risk reduction policy,Tornado disaster,Early warning system
Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, Data Fusion, Computer Vision
Multiagent, Agent-based, Numerical Simulation, tsunami, UAV
GIS, Disaster Digital Twin for National Resilience, Realtime Data, Big Data
GIS, Disaster Digital Twin for National Resilience, Realtime Data, Big Data
Geography, Geographic Information Science, GIS, Digital Twin, Spatial Big Data
  Name / Position Keywords
Global Centre for Disaster Statistics International disaster risk reduction policy,Tornado disaster,Early warning system
Socio-economic Analysis of Disaster, Evacuation Planning, Disaster Prevention Planning, Optimization
Business continuity management (BCM), disaster management of enterprises, disaster management plans, disaster management laws, disaster volunteers
Disaster Medicine, Medical Needs after Disaster, Resilience of Health Care System. Simulation of Disaster Medical Needs and Response, Health Care Workforce
Tsunami Engineering, Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment, Tsunami Countermeasures, Cascading Disasters, World Tsunami Awareness Day
Area Studies, International Relations, Disaster Risk Reduction, Environment, Risk Management
Geography, Social-ecological systems, Mesology and Landscape science, Regional studies, Regional planning
UNDRR, Sendai Framework for DRR, DRR National Strategy, DRR Local Strategy
■ Organization / Members