Research and Practice

Disaster Resilience Co-Creation Research Project

Disaster Resilience Co-Creation Research Project

The 6th Science, Technology, and Innovation Basic Plan in Japan for 2021 emphasizes the importance of Convergence Knowledge (So-Go-Chi). Convergence Knowledge aims at contributing to a comprehensive understanding of people and society and problem solving, gathering diverse knowledge including humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.
With this background, the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS), Tohoku University, closely working with other departments in the university, has established the Co-Creation Center for Disaster Resilience to advance disaster resilience of society by utilizing Convergence Knowledge.
Co-creation Center for Disaster Resilience
The Disaster Resilience Co-Creation Center comprises four key research areas: "Quantifying disaster resilience," "Human resilience," "Disaster information curation," and "Disaster Resilience Co-Creation." Through analyzing disaster processes in the newly constructed Disaster Digital Twin and the Disaster Data Bank, the center will explore measures for the swift recovery of affected societies and research the conversion of knowledge to realize diverse individual well-being.

From this perspective, we will launch the Disaster Resilience Co-Creation Research Project and provide grants for collaborative research according to the following guidelines:

Examples of acknowledgment

It is helpful if you include “resilience” in the title, keyword, or abstract to gain the key performance index (KPI). Of course, it is not mandatory, but the Disaster Resilience Co-Creation Center appreciates your cooperation. The following are examples of acknowledgment.
This work was partly supported by the Disaster Resilience Co-creation Center, IRIDeS, Tohoku University.
This work is an activity of the Disaster Resilience Co-creation Center, IRIDeS, Tohoku University.
